You have reached the end of the choices.
Read to see how you have done!You tried to marry Lady Emily, a lord in the UK but was tricked into legally becoming one of her numerous legally owned slaves.
You were kept as a work pony boy, living in a stall and pulling carts while Julie, a former show pony girl herself, was your handler.
She was a slave, like you, but because she won multiple prizes she was tattoed to show her victories and promoted to handler.
Still a slave, she developped affection for you and together you managed to steal almost a million dollars from Lady Emilie (which she didn't notice) and run away (which she did notice).
While the UK police tried to recapture you, you both managed to flee aboard a cargo ship bound for New Zealand where immigration accepted you as refugee fleeing slavery, which you were.
After getting new identities you settled in a remote farm in the New Zealand country side and, after getting married, try to get your lives back in order.
It's a good thing neither of you need to work for a living now!
Julie loves you very much, but having become a Pony Girl too early in her emotional development she has no idea how to relate to you as a pair of human beings in love.
The only way she can actually get close to you, sexually or emotionally, is if you are a Pony and she is your handler.
It came as a shock to both of you! You thought this life was behind you and she thought too, but sadly, even with counciling, it's the only way she is able to unwind.
It is quite different however from being Lady Emilie's pony. First and foremost, it's not a full time position. You are fully dressed and human most of the day.
That means that you get to talk with Julie, have long walks in which you hold each other's hands. The people in town have nicknamed you "the cute little couple that walks everywhere together"
Slowly, you bare your souls and manage to slowly build a loving relationship and emotionally get closer in an normal healthy way.
But part of the day, Julie needs to strip both of you nude, dress you up as a pony and make you walk around the secluded yard behind your house.
You don't have a cart to pull or races to run so it's not like when you were actually a slave: you might even go as far as saying that you have fun as your very sexy naked wife leads you around the yard!
The mood isn't the same either: from being forced under threat of being whipped, you moved to a new playful atmosphere with lots of laughing and touching.
After a good session, she will let you perform oral sex on her: she is trying to reclaim her sexuality as her own and it's really helping her feel safe.
That it helps to tease you hasn't escaped her attention but she isn't quite up to ackknowledging it: she takes it step by step.
She used to unlock a pony every week for sex and without thinking about it, she kept the same routine except that now, she only has one pony to think about.
Sex slowly becomes more and more fun, with Julie actually looking forward to the next unlock but without realizing that she could unlock you anytime. Baby steps!
She will soon be ready for hobbies: if you want to watch television, play video games, board games, take up knitting, she will be up to try anything.
She isn't, however, ready to really meet people. Don't expect her to make friends and she won't really like it if you make friends. Perhaps in a few years, she might consider it.
Until then, she is quite happy to just stay home with you. She prefers that you are either a pony or fully dressed: she wants to be able to connect to you as a man.
However, she never quite got the hang of wearing clothes again. She does when you go on walks, but prefers to be nude at home. It just feels more natural to her.
Without fully realizing it however, she still kinds of boss you around: in her mind, she is kind of above you and needs to tell you what to do.
Julie unlocks you for sex once per week, following the old schedule without realizing she isn't following orders anymore.
coming soon.
You are quite happy. Julie is extremely sexy and the way she is broken suits you very well: you are kept in chastity and kind of into submission, but with a lot of love and affection.