You have reached the end of the choices.
Read to see how you have done!You tried to marry Lady Emily, a lord in the UK but was tricked into legally becoming one of her numerous legally owned slaves.
You were kept as a work pony boy, living in a stall and pulling carts while Julie, a former show pony girl herself, was your handler.
She was a slave, like you, but because she won multiple prizes she was tattoed to show her victories and promoted to handler.
Still a slave, she developped affection for you and together you managed to steal almost a million dollars from Lady Emilie (which she didn't notice) and run away (which she did notice).
While the UK police tried to recapture you, you both managed to flee aboard a cargo ship bound for New Zealand where immigration accepted you as refugee fleeing slavery, which you were.
After getting new identities you settled in a remote farm in the New Zealand country side and, after getting married, try to get your lives back in order.
It's a good thing neither of you need to work for a living now!
Julie loves you very much, but she is seroously afraid of being recaptured or killed: you reassure her daily that the New Zealand government gave you new identities, but she remembers the powerful people who visited her estate.
She will never leave your ranch, and the only reason she lets you is that she refuses to get the Internet so someone needs to show around!
She made you grow a large beard and long hair to look very different. You also have to wear large glasses when you go out.
When you leave, Julie hides in a panic room located in the master bedroom where cyanide pills are hidden: she will never be taken alive.
Coming back, you have to give her today's password to confirm you are still 100% free.
There is also an alarm system in the house and it is armed at night with you do doing drills to run to the panic room as fast as possible.
About twice per week, she wakes up from nightmare and you have to both go to the panic room for an hour until she calms down.
Well, that's the most extreme ones: for the light ones, 2 to 3 times per night, you simply need to calm her down.
When you work on the farm, on good days she is by your side, helping you but occasionally she sees it as "being out" and hides in the panic room.
In most of your free time, you have to train with weights (every day) to bulk out and if you add the hard work on your farm it really puts you into shape.
Speaking of the farm, you have chickens for free fresh eggs, cowns for milk you turn into yogourt and butter. Pigs for meat, and fields to help feed all these animals as well as plenty of vegetables for you (and your pigs).
You aren't fully self-suffient: you still need some of the food for your animals and some fruits and cheeses but it sure help remaining on your property and avoiding others.
Julie is also traumatized is less damaging ways. Notably, she never wants to wear clothes: she says she lost the habit and never picked it up. She also expects you to mainly be nude but understands it's simpler to wear clothes in the sun, especially when she isn't there.
She used to unlock a pony every week for sex and without thinking about it, she kept the same routine except that now, she only has one man in chastity to think about.
Sex slowly becomes more and more fun, with Julie actually looking forward to the next unlock but without realizing that she could unlock you anytime.
She is too managed for more however: you might cuddle naked for sleep, but she is far from ready for sexual attention outside of the weekly unlock.
She is ready for hobbies however: if you want to watch television, play video games (not online), board games, take up knitting, she will be up to try anything, and will pratice while you work and she is in panic mode inside the house.
Slowly, you bare your souls and manage to slowly build a loving relationship and emotionally get closer in an normal healthy way, outside of panic attacks
Without fully realizing it however, she still kinds of boss you around: in her mind, you are her guardian and needs to tell you what to do in order to feel safe.
Julie unlocks you for sex once per week, following the old schedule without realizing she isn't following orders anymore.
coming soon.
You are happy. Julie is extremely sexy and the way she is broken suits you very well: you are kept in chastity and are a savior to her. You are just sad you only get sexual activities once per week and only unlocked.