Rebecca operates the largest human sex doll inn and "museum" and people from all over the world pay good money to come stay at her inn to either be surrounded by human sex doll, have sex with them or, well, become a human sex doll.
Her inn actually makes a lot of money to pay for all maintenance and food.
It was her parents' inn but she is the one who turned it into a human sex doll inn after she inherited it.
The Inn is classified as a brothel as sex occurs on location and none of the dolls wear clothes, and most get a cut of the revenues: it is a brothel!
A few local female residents actually moved into the basement and became room and board full time dolls: apart from occasional bonuses, they are not actually paid other than having all of their financial needs taken care of.
So, how do her dolls work?
Rebecca makes very elaborate wood and metal restraints that can fully restrict the movement of the person put in them, without removing access to their sexual organs.
For example, in the living room is a every comfortable height-adjustable woodden stock with leather and feather padding which lock the hands and head of the person put in them, and an equivalent for the foot on the floor, fixed to the main stocks.
The result is that whomever is locked in it can only lightly move it's bum to react to being sodomized or penetrated (if a women), without being able to see who it doing it.
She also had a kind of metal cage with a seat over the face so a person locked in it can perform oral sex on a woman without being able to move otherwise.
She has, of cours, an equivalent metal contraption to force a person to be available for being face-fucked by a man, without being able to move at all
She even has an odd hole in a wall where a doll can have her (or his) butt in a hole in the wall to be sodomized by the client in the next room, while being tied to the wall and available to be face fucked in that room.
Each of the stations allow the clients to perform some sort of sex act on the doll somewhat comfortably, while always maximizing the comfort of the doll: Rebecca cares about her dolls more than about her clients.
You, of course, are rotated between the sodomy and the oral sex stations since you do not have a vagina, but both men and women use you and often, tease you.
Of course, some clients spank the dolls or even use paddles but Rebecca limits the amount of pain that can be given.
You are the only man on location and you are married with Rebecca: you are not just one of her sex dolls, you are her husband and she loves you very much.
During work, she might exchange a furtive kiss if you are a doll and the two of you are alone in the room, and she will often tell you she loves you.
When it's time for bed however, you generally stop being a sex doll and spend some quality time with your wife.
You will get to talk with her at length about anything, watch some television and, of course, have sex!
Most of the nights, this will involvee you performing oral sex on her several times per week she will actually unlock you and have sex with you.
She is rather vanilla and old fashioned when it comes to sex but it's still pretty good! She is really into it and cares about you.
You just sometimes find it odd that she is 100% monogamous and absolutly not kinky: she runs a world famous human sexual doll inn but when questionned, she simply acknowledge that this is her kink: operating the place.
Releases occur several times per week and involves sex with Rebecca as oddly enough, she is rather vanilla in bed.
Coming soon
You are very happy!. While working you are teased by fetish patrons, get sodomized by them, have to do oral sex on male and females and off work, you spend good times with Rebecca.