Rebecca operates the largest human furniture inn and "museum" and people from all over the world pay good money to come stay at her inn to either be surrounded by human furniture or, well, become human furniture.
Her inn actually makes enough money to pay for all maintenance and food.
It was her parents' inn but she is the one who turned it into a human furniture inn after she inherited it.
The Inn is technically family friendly as all of the furniture wear clothes: the place is seen as a performance art location by the main media even if most of the furniture are in it because they are kinky.
A few local residents actually moved into the basement and became room and board caretakers/furniture: apart from occasional bonuses, they are not actually paid other than having all of their financial needs taken care of.
Two are even a couple who decided to live this way! Luke mows the lawn and makes a sturdy bench for the cafeteria while his wife Tancy is the cook and a lamp (she has a hat with a light on her head and stands in the corner).
You personally alternate between multiple roles during the day: chair during meals, living room table in the evening, coat hanger when guests arrive, lamp when it's the evening.
Every furniture is usually dressed as the inn is officially "kids friendly" (believe it or not! The mainsream media sees it as being totally original and unique in the world!)
Sometimes however, all of the guests are kinky and the furniture will be nude. On those days, the furniture is often teased especially the men in chastity, like you.
Because no, you are not the only one! George stays full time at the resort full-time is self-locked and quite a few visitors are.
You however, are married with Rebecca: you are not just one of her furniture pieces, you are her husband and she loves you very much.
During the day, she might exchange a furtive kiss if you are a furniture piece and the two of you are alone in the room, and she will often tell you she loves you.
When it's time for bed however, you generally stop being furniture and spend some quality time with your wife.
You will get to talk with her at length about anything, watch some television and, of course, have sex!
Most of the nights, this will involvee you performing oral sex on her several times per week she will actually unlock you and have sex with you.
She is rather vanially and old fashioned when it comes to sex but it's still pretty good! She is really into it and cares about you.
You just sometimes find it odd that she is 100% monogamous and absolutly not kinky: she runs a world famous human furniture museum! But when questionned, she simply acknowledge that this is her kink: human furniture and that it is not sexual in nature.
Releases occur several times per week and involves sex with Rebecca as oddly enough, she is rather vanilla in bed.
Coming soon
You are very happy!. During the day you are teased by fetish (and vanilla) patrons and in the evening, you spend good times with Rebecca.