The Cronenberg Annex Reform College

In the early 2000s and late 90, a series of stories occuring at the Cronenberg High School for Girls was published on geocities and yahoo groups. Most were lost to time, and the only archive we found is riddled with bad ads and pop-ups. Seriously, don't google for it..

In the short stories, the only punishment in place at this all-girl high school is... enforced nudity for the girl, with the severity of the punishement varying only on the duration of enforced nudity.

It wasn't written, as far as we know, by a single author and the idea of the story felt interesting, but we didn't like that it was done on minors, and sometimes, out of the school too!

Our version of this story only features adults, and will take place in the annex, which is a reform college on campus, near Baxter.

Unlike the original stories, all of our characters are adults, and all of the pictures are AI made, and were created to represent adults on a college campus, not minors

Students in class

Prison or College?

Most of the students who are in the annex, are actually there as an alternative to jail time. They are all students who went one of the Cronenberg Academy schools, and who were sent there to reform them.

Those who come to this college, failed and ended up having to choose: Go to jail, or get a degree at the annex from a limited number of options.

The 81 girls and 9 lucky guys (10 with Allan) who are in the annex, are not allowed to leave the annex other than for limited special events.

You can also voluntarily sign for your degree, but then are as restrained at the other students and treated the same way by the staff.

Instead of a 4 year program with two semesters per year, which is a total of 8 semesters, they study all year long for 3 years, with 3 full time semesters per year.

The annex is sponsored in that there is no tuition. Those sent here for a altenative to jail have their degree paid by the department of correction, since it runs like a private prison. Those joining in voluntarily, still get some money from the department of correction, but the rest comes from rich donors, including alumnis of the program who were grateful for the chance to get a education, or who believe in the "education model of the annex".

Students in the cafeteria, with Dakota laughing to a joke by Dominic

Their dorm room, classes, library and cafeteria are all in the same building, with two yards, one of the girls and one for the guys.

Every student in the annex is kept nude at all times (except for women who can wear shorts during their periods), but the men are also kept in strict metal chastity to prevent pregnencies.

In the dorms, there is little active surveillance, but in theory, the male and straight female students are kept in seperate wings.

Please note that these students are not naturists. They do not sit on towels, they do not seperate sex from nudity and they do not avoid looking and commenting at the body of other students. Most hate being nude, but some got used to it in high school when punished.

Students in the small libary

Where Allan fits in

Someone will discover that his room assignment was hacked, and Allan will be treatened to be reported to the FBI for computer hacking. He will plead his innocence, but they also discover an irregularity in his college admission.

Facing criminal charges and expulsion, Allan pleads for a second chance, and gets offered to go the annex, where he will be kept naked and in chastity, unable to leave, not even for spring break or the summer, until he graduates.

To their surprise, he is thrilled not to have to go back home and gets transferred and his chastity device his replaced by a metal one.

Three girls, Amelia, Marya and Ava, in one of the rare permissions to have a picnic outside of the private courtyard.
It's always in groups of 3, and only the girls.

Unlike other stories, Allan will not date a girl. Most of these girls are troubled, they don't want relationships (or are in a lesbian relationship). They want fun. And they can't have sex with any of the guys due to the chastity.

Many of them turn to occasional lesbian sex, but not all are so inclined, leaving some wiggle room for Allan to sneak over to the girl's side and pleasure some of them. Some Lesbians even like his company.

All of them are rather open and transparent, it's the nature of the high school they went to.

In fact, Allan is the only student in the Annex who didn't go to a Cronenberg school or its all-boys counterparts.

A view of a dorm bed, with Luz and Cordelia, two non-identical twin sisters, and Channy

How will this be implemented?

Like any other story line, but possibly with branching paths as Allan can choose a girl or another to see more often.

It will be incorporated into the College Game 1 site, but will have spin-offs with different girls. A little like how Rita is a spin-off of Sandra.

Schedule for Allan

Mechanical Engineering PrinciplesIntegrated Principles of Biology IApplied English for Science

General Chemistry I (Lab)Trigonometry
Sociological Analysis
(With Management group)
General Chemistry I (Class)Applied Physics I (Lab)Analytics Geometry and Calculus I
(With Management group)
Applied Physics I (Class)

Schedule for Science Students

Mechanical Engineering PrinciplesIntegrated Principles of Biology IApplied English for Science

General Chemistry I (Lab)Trigonometry
Calculus IGeneral Chemistry I (Class)Applied Physics I (Lab)Sociological AnalysisApplied Physics I (Class)

Schedule for Management Students

Marketing ManagementOrganizational ProcessesCommunication for Managers

Financial AccountingFinance Theory I
Sociological AnalysisIntroduction to Operations ManagementEconomic Analysis for Business DecisionsAnalytics Geometry and Calculus IData, Models, and Decisions

Freshman Characters

Allan will mostly interact with the Freshman characters are these are the girls he will go to class with.

Number of students shown:

Show All Students

Show Science Degrees Show Management Degrees

Show Loves Being Naked Show Hates Being Naked Show Neutral to Being Naked Show Used to Being Naked

Name and description Picture

Alice's parents were hard working blue-collar professionals who spent all of their money to get her into the best private high school in town: a Cronenberg Academy branch. Alice thrived under the pressure, but couldn't get a scolarship anywhere for a science degree.

When her parents died in a car accident, she was left all alone and without a guide. When she learned that Josie and Nicole managed to get into the Annex with a full scholarship, she tried and got one.

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity Richmond, VA, 7 years of school, 164 days of punishment For free tuitionScience Degree

Annalee's mother went to a Cronenberg school, and married a powerful man, her father she barely knows.

Sent to the Alexandria Reformed school (mixed genders) in the dorm, she realized that most of the kids were from powerful families and that unlike her, they could get money anytime they wanted.

Knowing she would be married to a rich powerful man she wouldn't choose, she began running scams to get money from those kids, including plans to get money for sexual favors from her, or other girls who went along with her scams, or who were scammed by her. She get into her fair share of trouble, including in the summer or the holiday break, when she was one of the kids left at the dorm, but it all came crashing down in her senior year, in November, when she was arrested and remainded to the school and later to the Annex in a plea-deal.

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity Alexandria, LA, 7 years of school (dorm),
704 days of punishment (including non-school days)
Fraud and Embezzlement, running a prostitution ringManagement Degree

Amanitha suffers from pathological lying, she can't help it! She is always telling fake stories, pretending things, and can't tell the truth.

Her parents, discouraged, sent her to Everglades Rural Academy, FL to get that into check.

After a series of lies got the police called, she was accused of public mischief.... a few times, enough to be sent to the annex.

Doesn't like enforced nudity, doesn't hate it. More like, got used to it Everglades Rural Academy, FL, 7 years of school (dorm),
2134 days of punishment, pretends it's 423

Repeated Public MischiefManagement Degree

Amelia was bullied at her local high school enough to be sent to the hospital a few time for a concussion and twice for broken bones.

After suing the school district her parents won a settlement to get her in the toughest private school against bullying, a Cronenberg school, at the dorm.

They thought it would help her, but with her concussion, she got into more trouble than normal and spent 97.5% of her days naked, including 100% of her last 3 years.

Unable to cope with life and wearing clothes, she tried to commit suicide after high school and got sent to the Annex to give her time to heal.

Technically prefers being naked from the stress of wearing clothes Louisville, KT, 4 years of school (dorm), 702 days of punishment To healManagement Degree

Bella is into BDSM and likes to inflict pain. Sadly, she was often punished in high school for inaproppriate behavior due to their zero tolerance policy. Was sentenced to the annex because on of her partners was seriously hurt in a rope bondage incident which cut her circulation and almost made her lose an hand.

Neutral to enforced nudity, likes aspects, hate it's permanent
Chattanooga, TN, 7 years of school (dorm), 693 days of punishment
BatteryScience Degree


Benji realized in high school that he loved to shock people with his nudity. He would wear a long coat and open it in front of girls his age to show he was naked under it, and other such weird situations.

He was arrested in Grade 11, and sent to the Terrell Rural Academy. His first punishment was on his 3rd day. Another the next week. He ended up loving it and soon spent the rest of the year naked, even if it was only boys, there were female teachers. Is thrilled to be at the annex, even in chastity. It's being seen which turns him on. Loves being forced naked at all times Terrell Rural Academy, 1 year of school (dorm), 168 school days of nudity, 2 of punishement ExhibitionismManagement Degree


Chance was sent to the Florence New Age Alternative school from grade 1 by his parents due to how unconventional he was. At the drop of hat, he would just undress with no reason.

When he arrived at Florence and realized he could be naked all day, he decided to try it on his second day, right on arrival. Only on 3 other days did he wear clothes, twice in which he had a fever, and once because there was a special event requiring him to be dressed up. In the summer after his graduation however, he was found guilty of sexual abuse of two girls in his neighborood. He claims he never touched them, but he was hiking naked in the woods behind his house and they have pictures of him naked, and wounds. No sperm was found, it was their word against his (they lied and framed him). Loves being forced naked at all times The Florence New age alternative school, 12 years of school, 2157 days of nudity Sexual AbuseManagement Degree


In grade 9, Channel killed her father while he was abusing her. She was sent to the Dade City Reform school for the remaining 4 years and then for 3 years at the annex for her punishement. That's 7 years of complete nudity, even for the transfer.
Absolutely hates the enforced nudity
Dade City Tough Love Reform Schools
for highly troubles girls, 3 years of school (dorm),
482 school days of nudity, 1134 total days

ManslaughterScience Degree


In grade 7, after Channy was arrested for the 3rd time for shoplifting, she was sent to juvenile detention at the Durham to rehabilitate her.
Durhham is like a reverse Cronenberg: good girls get to be naked, while those causing problems have to wear ugly prison clothes.
The philophy of the school is to empower the girls by increasing their self-image throught nudity. After graduating, she was again arrested, this time as an adult, for shoplifting and sent to the annex. Neutral to enforced nudity, likes aspects, hate it's permanent Durham NC's last chance for troubled girls, 4 years of school (dorm), 712 days of nudity Repeat ShopliftingScience Degree


Courtney wasn't a student of Cronenberg until she was caught skinny dipping with friends at a quarry. Others got away (with her clothes) and only she was arrested. To teach her a lesson, her parents sent to the local Cronenberg Academy

They promised that the biggest punishement possible was more nude time, but after hitting a teacher who touched her while on punishement, she learned it could be worse: the police could be called and she was sent to the Annex after graduation.

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity Gainesville, FL, 3 years of school, 219 days of punishment
AssaultManagement Degree

Cordelia was sexually abused by her familly as a teenager and ran away from her home, living homeless in the woods.

Living by stealing food from farms, she found the Everglades Rural Academy and managed to hide in a storage unit until she was caught by a janitor.

After telling her story, they offered a deal. She was arrested by the police and sentenced to both Everglades and the Annex for a long series of crimes, some of which she did, others invented to help her get a private school education (with permanent punishment) and then a college degree paid by the DoC.

Doesn't like enforced nudity, doesn't hate it. More like, got used to it Everglades Rural Academy, FL, 3.5 years of school, 630 days of punishment Various crimes including theft and breaking and enteringScience Degree

Dakota has serious attention deficit disorder, but without hyperactivity. She is always drifting away somewhere. At Cronenberg academy, it got her nude more often than not, as not paying attention gets you nude for 24 hours, or adds 24 hours to the current sentence.

When 17, she discovered that alcohol helped her focus and made her more sociable. She began drinking a lot, until she got behind a wheel drunk and caused a big accident which got her 2 year of jail, or 3 years at the annex. She choose the former, and now regrets it.

Doesn't like enforced nudity, doesn't hate it. More like, got used to it Columbus, GA, 7 years of school, 835 (+14) days of punishment
Accident caused by DUIManagement Degree

Diana was abandonned by her parents and sent to the The Florence New age alternative school, and to live with one of their friends who works there so they didn't have to raise her. The students are free to wear anything they want, including nothing at all, and they have some themed week, including days of "anatomy" where nudity is mandatory.

After graduation, Diana discovered that her high school degree didn't prepare her at all for college. She found her parents, confronted them and in the process, committed Battery on them. She insists they exagerated, but she had to defend herself alone. When she learned about the annex (without the nudity aspect), and that she was eligeable for it, she asked for it as it was a college degree she could get.

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity The Florence New age alternative school, SC, 12 years of school, 11 days of nudity
BatteryManagement Degree

Dominic was in a public school when he was caught for dealing drugs. He would sell it for cash to guys, and for sex to girls. His parents used their influence to send him to a Cronenberg for boys academy school instead of jail, but the state wanted more. This is how he ended up at the annex. Allan becomes his roommate.

Now studying chemistry, he is good friends with Dakota (between him and Courtney on the picture), for whom he makes bootleg alchohol to help her.

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity Lynchburg, TN, 1.5 years of school (dorm), 54 days of punishment
Drug TraffickingScience Degree

To be determined

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity Louisville, KT, 7 years of school (walk-in for 5 year, dorm for 2), 381 days of punishment
FraudManagement Degree

Isla never had a father. Her feminist mother is the principal of Columbus, GA school who decided to keep her daugther nude all year long to get the gay out of her, in the dorm, for her 7 years in high school, 24/7.

But then, Isla's mother died of a heart attack when she failed to locate her Nitro for her hearth condition, died. Isla was charged for hiding the pills and sent to the annex
Neutral to enforced nudity, likes aspects, hate it's permanent Columbus, GA, 7 years of school, 2,615 days of nudity, claims 452 Criminial negligence causing deathScience Degree


Ivy is a maneater. She kept sneaking out to see boys, which landed her a lot of times to be nude at her Cronenberg highschool. She got caught in a stolen car and now, was sentenced to the annex where every guy wants her, but is stuck in chastity. She loves it.

Neutral to enforced nudity, likes aspects, hate it's permanent
Gainesville, FL, 7 years of school, 482 days of punishment
Car TheftScience Degree


Jayden was already different. He could read when he was barely 3, and code when he was 5. His parents sent him to the Berry Hill Alternative School where he could develop his highest potential.

When a punishment occurs, the school randomly picks 2 punishments and the student picks. If the choice was between no computers or no clothes, Jayden would pick nudity.

Sadly, he was accused and convicted of computer hacking due to one of his experiments to index scientific papers. When his sentences banned him from using computers for 5 years after his 2 years in jail, he was depressed. The Annex is his way to reduce the ban on computers as the 5 years occurs during the 3 years in the annex.

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity Berry Hill Alternative School, TN, 12 years of school, 37 days of punishment
Computer HackingScience Degree

Nicole and Josie were dating from the start of high school, something illegal in their state. They refused to stop and since they were at a Cronenberg Academy, they spent the rest of high school naked full time.

Unlike the other students, they are here voluntarily since it's the only program who would accept both of them, but cannot leave since even if you choose to join the program, you are restrained into it.

Doesn't like enforced nudity, doesn't hate it. More like, got used to it Richmond, VA, 7 years of school, 654 days of punishment
No other common collegeManagement Degree

Kay knew she was gay when she was 7. Her parents didn't approve so they tried to find a school that could cure their daughter. They picked Cronenberg starting in Grade 6, sending her to the Reformed School at Knoxville (so she could see naked boys and discover her heterosexuality). It failed and backfired.

In Grade 11, she was found having sex with two other female students and sentenced to a permanent punishement, and she discovered she loved being naked. Silent on why she is at the annex.
Loves being forced naked at all times Knoxville, TN, 7 years of school, 273 days of punishment
Volunteered (secret)Management Degree


Kyra was always in trouble at her Cronenberg academy. She was sent there by her parent to cure her defiant opposition disorder. They thought that the threat to being exposed nude to other students would keep her in check, but instead, she rebelled more and begin using her nudity as a sort of way to fight back. Taking it too far, she was arrested for being nude outside of school activities and in public, and sentenced to the Annex, which in her mind, is totally ironic: she is forced to be naked, for having been naked in public.Loves being forced naked at all times Charleston, SC, 7 years of school, 824 days of punishment
Public NudityManagement Degree


Lainey got into trouble for her lesbian encounters, with two of her exes claiming they were raped by her to avoid getting shunned. After the first, she was sent to the local Cronenberg Academy, but when it occured there too, she was sentenced to the annex after graduation.

Now has a lot of anger toward the men who judged her and takes it out on the guys in the annex.
Absolutely hates the enforced nudity Columbus, GA, 2.5 years of school, 97 days of punishment
AssaultManagement Degree


Luciana mother is a Spanish teacher at the Chattannoga Cronenberg school for girls. It's how Luciana could get such quality private education. It still broke her heart each time Luciana was forced naked, but her mother could see her daugther improving in her grade and how positive this nude exposure was for her self-esteem. She was one of the rare walk-ins at the school.

In the summer before Grade 10 however, Luciana fell into a bad crowd of people in her neighborhood and began smoking, drinking, doing drugs and having sex. She was arrested for prostitution and drug possession that summer, but she had enough to get a drug trafficking accusation.

A plea deal got her full time her school in the dorms for 2 years, and then to the Annex. Permanent nude for those 2 years

Neutral to enforced nudity, likes aspects, hate it's permanent Chattannooga, TN, 7 years (2 in dorms), 423 days of punishement,
but 812 total days of nudity.

Prostitution and Drug TraffickingScience Degree

Luz grew up in a naturist resort and was home schooled by her mother. Usually naked all year long, she borrowed the car on the night of her 18th birthday (without a license), to go to another nearby resort to meet with friends for a party. She crashed her car into another and was arrested after trying to run away.

Since prison requires clothes, she faked being forced to be a naturist and to have sneaked out to run away, but didn't know she needed clothes due to her brainwashing. Her parents knew of the plan and helped her, being the first naturist accepted at the annex.
Loves being forced naked at all times Home school in a Kissimee naturist resort, all her life, always nude.
Driving without license, hit and run, public nudityManagement Degree

Mackenzie is mostly a good girl. Her parents wanted the best from her, and in her town, the local Cronenberg Academy was the best school. She did ok, only 23 days of nudity before her senior year, almost a record of how rarely she was punished. But in her senior year, she was caught with answers to one of the final exams, which prevented her from even going to college. Her parents found out about the Annex and how it was a second chance for their precious girl.

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity
Columbus, GA, 7 years of school (last few months in dorm),
134 days of punishment
Science Degree No other college choice

Maeve, when 16, begged her parents to go to Cronenberg when her high school went on a museum trip at the same time as Cronenberg and she got to speak with one of the girls who nude. Maeve realized that she was an exhibitionist and at Cronenberg, got into trouble voluntarly. She even craves the negative comments as much as the good ones.

When she discovered the annex, she wanted to get in, but her parents refused. She stole some books from a bookstore and waited in the parking lot to be caught. As a minor, she wouldn't get a criminal record and proposed the Annex as a punishment. Now, Maeve takes every opportunity to leave the annex to be seen by other students

Loves being forced naked at all times
Charlotte, NC. 2 years of school, 360 days of nudity (claims 523) Stole books to come to AnnexManagement Degree

Marge was a naturist activist in high school, not that her parents were naturists, she just began deciding to show up to class nude. Her parents, desperate, found a Cronenberg academy with a dorm, where she could be naked even if not punished. But it wasn't enough, she would sneak out in town to protest nude. This landed her with a public indicency accusation and a public mischief sentence, which she got changed to go to the annex.

Loves being forced naked at all times
Chattanooga, TN, 2 years of school (dorm),
360 school days of nudity, 700 of nudity

Public mischief (nudity)Science Degree

Marya was always weak and unable to stand up for herself. She was bullied, used, and almost sexually abused at multiple moments. She just was weak willed.

So, for her 8th grade, her parents decided to sent her to the toughest high school in Florida, the Everglades Rural Academy. They thought it would protect her.

Instead, she bought the Cronenberg philosphy and began choosing more and more days to be nude just to get the top benefits from it. Apart from the first half of her 8th grade, spent all her time nude.

Loves being forced naked at all times
Everglades Rural Academy, FL, 5 years of school (dorm),
823 school days of nudity on her record, but really 1642 consecutive days

Volunteered (due to mental issues, bought the philosophy)Science Degree

Melodie grew up in a sect, the New Church of Eden, which mandated full nudity from all women and all unmarried boys.

Favoring a purely religious education based on highly conservative values, Melodie hated herself because she was gay.

After rebelling and hitting a few people, she fled the compound, naked because she didn't know women could wear clothes, and was picked up by CPS and placed in a foster home to get better.

Still full of rage, she ended up hitting them too after a few years, and was sentenced to assault. Her attoney proposed the Annex, as a way to rehabilitate her, thinking nudity would help her out since it was her childhood, but that's the one part she had gotten over.

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity From the New Church of Eden, GA, nude all of life until Grade 9.
AssaultScience Degree

Hate boys enough to have been arrested for assault on one who just looked at her wrong. Got in trouble for yelling as male teacher who just looked at her. Short temper, only tolerates boys in chastity.

Actually enjoys being naked with other girls who are also naked, but missed choosing clothes to wear.

Neutral to enforced nudity, likes aspects, hate it's permanent Jackson, MS, 7 years of school, 831 days of punishment
AssaultManagement Degree

Nicole and Josie were dating from the start of high school, something illegal in their state. They refused to stop and since they were at a Cronenberg Academy, they spent the rest of high school naked full time.

Unlike the other students, they are here voluntarily since it's the only program who would accept both of them, but cannot leave since even if you choose to join the program, you are restrained into it.

Doesn't like enforced nudity, doesn't hate it. More like, got used to it Richmond, VA, 7 years of school, 617 days of punishment
No other common collegeManagement Degree

Simply put, Nova realized she was both a lesbian and a sex addict. She began having sex with a ton of girls, and one of them pressed charges for rape to avoid being branded as a dyke (even if she wanted to have sex).

Sent to Dade City and then the Annex, Nova hates being naked and vulnerable. She even hated more that none of the few girls were gay.

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity
Dade City Tough Love Reform Schools
for highly troubles girls, 2 years of school (dorm),
360 school days of nudity, a total of 683 days

Sexual AbuseScience Degree

To be determined

Neutral to enforced nudity, likes aspects, hate it's permanent Alexandria, VA, 7 years of school (walk-in), 698 days of punishment
Grand LarcenyManagement Degree

Parker's mother is a proud alumnus of Cronenberg Academy and of the Annex. Today, she is a major contributor to the program, so it was also decided that Parker would get there, but she hated being punished and naked but now, loves being naked at all times, like her mother still is.

She tries to help others accept their face, all while trying not to reveal that her mother helps pay for this program.

Loves being forced naked at all times Memphis, TN, 7 years of school, 113 days of punishment, 642 days of nudity
VolunteeredScience Degree

Payton was internationally adopted as a baby by white parents and was often a victim of racism. She didn't like it and found back, like her redneck parents taught her, but with a zero tolerance policy on violence, she was nude pretty much all the time, often than not at her high school, which increased the bullying and increased her responses. Eventually, she hit back too hard and was arrested for assault, with the annex used as an alternative to jail.

Neutral to enforced nudity, likes aspects, hate it's permanent Willie, GA. 7 years of school, 945 days of punishment (changes all the time)
AssaultScience Degree


Posie had behavior problems in elementary school, bullying other girls so her parents sent her to the local Cronenberg Academy. She hated every minutes of her high school, and every day she was forced nude for often minor infractions are traumas that will haunt her until she dies.

Sadly, she was involved in a hit and run with her boyfriend. He was driving, but he died and she fled. This got her sentences to the annex much to her horror.

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity Chattanooga, TN, 7 years of school (dorm), 187 days of punishment
hit and run with deathManagement Degree

After Rob started a small fire at his public high school, he was expelled (but not criminally accused). He was sent for his 12th grade at the local Chronenberg school. On his 3rd day, he was punished for talking out of turn, asked to strip naked, and ended up instead running away and never coming back. While on the run, he started another fire, for which he was criminally acused and sent to a normal juvenile detention center where he finished his high school degree. When released, he started another fire, which sent him to the annex for which he technically qualified. Wanted to be in the science degree, but since it involves fire for chemistry, was forced in the management degree

Absolutely hates the enforced nudity Augusta GA, 3 days of school, technically 1 day of punishment
ArsonManagement Degree
This is a last chance for Tualana whose parents immigrated illegally to the USA. She could stay as a dreamer, but her legal trouble risk getting her deported back to Taiwan
Absolutely hates the enforced nudity
Willie, GA, 7 years of school, 104 days of punishment
Hiding from Immigration ControlsScience Degree

Zuri's life can be summed up as "white people be crazy". She was in public school, was bullied by racists, fought back too often, was expelled. With no other schools in her town, she had to spend her senior year at the local Cronenberg academy which offered her parents a scholarship for the year (she was the only student of color).

Zuri fought back from bullying, which got her nude, but it's when one of the girl's parent pressed charges and she was offered a plea deal for the annex with a full scholarship that she realized how crazy it is. She gets into college, for free, as a punishment? White people are crazy.Doesn't like enforced nudity, doesn't hate it. More like, got used to it Willie, GA, 2 years of school, 165 days of punishment
AssaultScience Degree