Chapter Progress For Characters

Table of the status of the chapters of the various characters

Colors for chapters available to some people
Public Free Exclusive Supporters Beta Alpha
Free, for everyone Free Patreon Members and above Only members, forever $5 or more
Still In Progress
Any members, temporarily $4 or more, temporarily $10 or more, temporarily
197 chapters 8 chapters 15 chapters 7 chapters 35 chapters 7 chapters 6 chapters
Colors for chapters not yet available to anyone or even written
Written In Progress On Hold Scheduled Not created yet Pending
Completed not published yet Being written Began, not finished For the future Chapter not created yet To be voted/set
6 chapters 8 chapters 3 chapters 17 chapters N/A 34 chapters

College Chastity Game 1

Story Line#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16
Alessa 1 2               
Amanda 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-A 12     
Annie 1 2 3 4 5 6           
Aria 1                
Barbara 1                
Becky 1-C 2-C 3              
Bianca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7          
Cardio 1 2               
Carin 1-P                
Carmen 1 2               
Cathy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13-A 14 15  
Chivy 1                
Chloe 1                
Chrissy 1                
Christina 1                
Cindy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10       
Claire 1 2               
Corey 1           11      
Cuckoo 1                
Elizabeth 1 2 3              
Ella 1 2               
Ellen 1 2 3              
Emily 1 2 3 4             
Eric 1                
Evelyn 1-C 2-C 3-C 4-C 5-C 6-C           
Felicia 1                
Gabriella 1 2 3              
Helga 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9        
Jenny 1                
Jessica 1 2 3              
Jessy 1-P 2-C 3              
Jude 1 2               
Julie 1 2 3 4 5            
Juliette 1 2               
Kate 1-P 2-P               
Kelly 1                
Kyle 1 2               
Laurie 1                
Leah 1-C 2 3              
Li Hua 1 2 3              
Lorena 1                
Lucy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10       
Lyra 1                
Madelaine 1 2 3 4             
Maize 1                
mary-myra 1                
Melanie 1 2 3              
Mila 1 2 3              
Mindy 1 2 3 4             
Molly 1 2               
Monika 1-C 2-C 3-A              
Nicolette 1                
Niles 1                
Olina 1-C 2-C 3-C              
Ophelia 1                
Penny 1                
Raina 1                
Rita 1-C 2-C 3-C              
Rosa 1 2 3              
Sabrina 1 2               
Sakura 1                
Samantha 1-C 2-C 3-C              
Sandra 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12     
Sierra 1 2               
Summer 1                
Synthia 1-P 2-P 3              
Tara 1                
Teagan 1-C 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-A            
Tim 1 2 3 4 5 6           
Tish 1 2 3 4             
Victoria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7          
Vinutha 1 2               
Yana 1-P                
Yasmin 1                
Yvonne 1 2 3 4             
Zaria 1 2 3 4             
Zlata 1-C                

College Chastity Game 2

Story Line#1#2#3#4#5#6#7
Bunny 1 2 3     
Candace 1 2 3     
Catalyna 1 2 3     
Charlotte 1 2      
Claudia 1       
Daphne 1 2 3 4 5 6  
Eden 1 2      
Ellie 1 2      
Emma 1       
Georgia 1 2      
Greta 1 2      
Jackie 1 2 3     
Katelyn 1 2      
Kim 1 2 3     
Layla 1 2 3 4 5   
Lindsey 1       
Luna 1 2 3     
Marina 1 2      
Mona 1 2      
Nadia 1       
Natasha 1 2 3 4 5   
Nikki 1 2      
Nina 1 2 3 4    
Osha 1       
Rayanne 1 2      
Sandra Paul 1       
Tara  2      
Valery 1 2      

College Chastity Game 3

Story Line#1#2#3#4
Averi 1 2 3  
Carla 1    
Joi 1    
Kamala 1    
Kesi 1    
Leanne 1    
Lin 1    
Nadine 1    
Nailah 1    
Pepper 1    
Skyler 1    
Tancy 1    
Willow 1

Story Line#1#2#3
Cindy 1   
Helga 1   
Monika 1   
Penny 1   
Raina 1   
Teagan 1 2  
Victoria 1

Story Line#1#2#3
Aishah 1 2  
Demonhell 1   
Inari 1 2  
Selene 1 2